The Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE) introduced the teaching of chemical product design into its 3-year curriculum in 2009, which prepared the foundation for the subsequent integration of sustainable development into the curriculum. This paper presents a critical review of the changes in education for sustainable development (ESD) for the last 10 years, including the advent of Industry 4.0 and how it can impact ESD. The paper first outlines the general two-prong approach in DCHE, aimed at simultaneously satisfying the needs of the chemical processing industries for competent graduates, while at time same time made dual-use of available curriculum hours to enable students to use knowledge in chemical engineering to contribute to sustainable development using the CDIO Framework, with chemical products that meets the needs of the less-privileged at the bottom of the pyramid.
The paper summarizes literature reviews of recent developments in ESD, why previous efforts did not lead to the desired results, as well as new challenges and opportunities afforded by Industry 4.0 technologies. The paper also discusses current view on sustainable development using a systems perspective; whereby sustainability is viewed as a dynamic system whose equilibrium is always disrupted. The framing on how ESD can be delivered also shifted towards a more transformative approach, by focusing on more on empowering the students, to prepare them in shaping their own views on the wicked nature of sustainability issues by taking into considerations the different and often-conflicting perspectives of various stakeholder, etc. An emerging approach in transformative learning is based on the theme of sustainability as a discourse. The paper then shares the findings from a recent survey of DCHE students on their learning experiences in chemical product design which had remain unchanged since the topic was introduced into the DCHE curriculum. The result showed that we had much to update in our approach to ESD in light of recent changes. The paper then presents an updated thinking on how DCHE can revised its coverage of sustainable development to move forward. The emphasis on teaching sustainable development is now directed towards preparing the learner, by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to negotiate and navigate the ever-changing sustainability landscape on their own. While retaining the same two-prong approach, the learning experiences will now be enhanced using the CDIO Framework to include competencies in using Industry 4.0 technologies in chemical processing as well as developing graduates with sustainable mindset who are able to contribute to sustainability well beyond their study in DCHE.

Authors (New): 
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Sustainable development
Chemical Engineering
CDIO Standard 1
CDIO Standard 2
CDIO Standard 3
CDIO Standard 5
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 9
CDIO Standard 10
CDIO Standard 11
CDIO Standard 12
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