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L. Ballesteros-Sánchez, R. Rivero, A. Lantada, J. Ruíz, R. García, E. Tanarro, et al, et al, et al (2020).  STAKEHOLDERS' MANAGEMENT FOR TRULY IMMERSIVE CDIO EXPERIENCES IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. Volume 1, pp.280-290.

When education is faced with a Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, understanding and managing subjects considering project management principles help better achieving project objectives and hence improving the learning outcomes. Within the project management field, stakeholders' management has been considered a key element for project success. It is one of the main knowledge areas identified in the standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI), within PMBOK (Project Management Book Of Knowledge). Stakeholders' management is of great importance since it enables to improve benefits and probabilities of success of a project, by considering the impact and interest from different points of view and consequently defining an appropriate strategy. In this study, stakeholders' management approach is presented in a course devoted to the biomedical engineering field, namely "Bioengineering Design and Medtech", included in the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and in the Master's Degree in Engineering Management, both at the ETSI Industriales from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Students from the course collaborate in teams and live through the complete project life cycle of innovative medical devices. For stakeholders' management, different phases are carried out, such as stakeholders' identification, engagement planning, engagement managing, and monitoring. In this course, oriented to the biomedical field, participation and management of hospitals, patients, students, professors, innovation units, open innovation initiatives, potential users, associations, and health professionals, among others, are presented. Main results, difficulties, benefits, and conclusions of the experience are included in this work. The experience and its systematic assessment shows that students, feeling part of a whole system, by interacting with all key stakeholders, demonstrate higher commitment to achieve learning objectives and live through more realistic, complex, and transformative PBL-CDIO learning experiences. As a result, they become more professional engineers, which is one of the CDIO implementation benefits.

Authors (New): 
Luis Ballesteros-Sánchez
Rocío Rodríguez Rivero
Andrés Díaz Lantada
Jesús Juan Ruíz
Rafael Borge García
Enrique Chacón Tanarro
Miguel Ángel Peláez García
Ana Moreno Romero
Rafael Ramos Díaz
Volume 1, pp.280-290
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain
CDIO as Context
Project based learning
Project management
Stakeholders' management
Biomedical Engineering
CDIO Standard 2
CDIO Standard 3
CDIO standard 4
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
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